Forever Enchanted

A blog by Kayla - dreamer, writer, wannabe novelist

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Welcome to The Woods (or my first Enchantia post)

Thanks for coming back again. You're too kind. On the chance that there are any new folks, welcome.

Given the name of my blog, it seems only right to make my first real post an Enchantia post. But I have to tell you that since it's a work in progress, I will not do Enchantia posts so frequently. When I do they will quite literally be the snippets I mentioned in my intro. Since I'm hoping that my story will make it to book form one lovely day, I don't want to give anything away- just give you a little taste.

But enough of that…check out this picture. I saw the cover of this book as I wandered through Barnes & Noble one evening, stopped in my tracks and thought That's Jane:

My apologies to Mr. Ishiguro for taking his cover completely out of context. The figure doesn't even match Jane physically (she is a twelve year-old brunette), and there aren't any trees. Yet somehow, this picture strangely captures the solitude and longing my protagonist experiences in her giant, 100-acre backyard:

This immense backyard was my Eden. The Woods (what I've called my backyard as long as I can remember) were like a third, all-knowing parent. I could spend hours sitting on a log or wandering through the five winding trails my parents had made.

That day in The Woods I ran to my current favorite spot - a tree stump by a stream - which was surrounded by a rainbow of wildflowers.

And so I sat in The Woods, crying.

A few minutes later I calmed down, breathing in the crisp air The Woods always provided, letting the nurturing wind dry my tears...When the wind blew and the trees swayed, their leaves rustling, that was their song, and how I tried to understand it.

Do you see what I mean, or is it just me? I know it's ridiculous to entertain such thoughts when I have yet to submit the story, but I would love a cover like that. I am a dreamer, aren't I?


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