Forever Enchanted

A blog by Kayla - dreamer, writer, wannabe novelist

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Another Enchantia post, plus a confession

I just looked at my last post again and wow, I'm the biggest dork. Here I am trying not to be literary, and yet within two sentences I manage to use the words theme, metaphor and carpe diem. Why did I stop there? While I was at it, I should have thrown in some other lit terms, like alliteration, simile, or one of my personal favorites, onomatopoeia (and I only spelled that right because of spell check).

But in all seriousness - if that's possible now - my next Enchantia snippet. And sorry, this is a really small one, but there are more posts to come (and if you want a better explanation see my first Enchantia post). I just wrote this last week, and want it to be on the page before the first chapter. It doesn't have much to do with the plot; more to clearly establish who the narrator is:

She walks off the path, between the trees, clutching an old book in her hand. A young woman of seventeen, her childhood lurks in every shadow of this forest, every whispering leaf and blade of grass. She wears a yellow sundress, and her long brown hair ripples in the wind as the memories flow in and out. It’s a long, sunny summer afternoon. She sits down and opens the book. She looks at you. She has a story to tell.

Now for my confession - and I hope you weren't expecting it to be really juicy. I have a love/hate relationship with Enchantia. I want to see it published, like sooo badly, and want to keep working on it till it's perfect. But at the same time, I've been working on the manuscript for so long (like a few years on/off, and I'm not exaggerating) that I'm more than ready to get it off my hands and move on to other things. So I've set a deadline to finish my revisions: March 15. Sounds like a while, but that's only six posts away. The countdown is on.


At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes--Did you finish? It is now way past that deadline.


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