Forever Enchanted

A blog by Kayla - dreamer, writer, wannabe novelist

Friday, February 10, 2006

Happy Friday

So here's another Journey of a Year poem (see my first poetry post for more details). I'm not exactly proud of this one, but since I've put off posting till Friday, I can't help myself…

Office, October 24,
10:46 AM


Every day is a countdown
to the day you come.
Like long lost friends
we embrace each other,
and I chide you for taking
so long to arrive.
You lead me to the gates
of freedom called
Weekend, then turn
your back and flee,
yet you’ll come back,
like a regretful lover,
and we’ll embrace again.

Deadline is five posts away. I spent about six hours revising this week, which for me is really good, as I don't have much of an attention span left after work. But like you care. As Austin Powers would say, it's almost the weekend, baby. So have a smashing, groovy time!


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