Forever Enchanted

A blog by Kayla - dreamer, writer, wannabe novelist

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Movie bound?

The Caribbean post is still coming, it really is, just haven't had the time yet. So instead, in the spirit of the Oscars coming up, I've got a recommendation of a nominee if you're interested in seeing a good movie this weekend- Pan's Labyrinth. Appropriately enough for this blog, it has to do with a 12 year-old girl who escapes into a magical world, although the story couldn't be more different. I could try to write a review, but this one from the New York Times puts it better than I ever could.

I have to warn you that it can be painful to watch. There are scenes throughout the movie of very graphic brutality, which I personally can't stomach so I had to close my eyes a lot. But that is just the reality of the story, which in the end is one of those films that is like a piece of good literature, with the heroine Ofelia reaching you in a way that any writer hopes to when painting a character- right in the heart.


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