Forever Enchanted

A blog by Kayla - dreamer, writer, wannabe novelist

Friday, September 01, 2006

More Wendell

I was almost not going to post this week. Let's just say something happened that made me more inclined to silence. But then I read this beautiful poem, by the amazing Wendell Berry. For more on my connection to him, see this old post. It gives me the chills...never read it till yesterday, and yet I feel like I've read it a million times. If you're new to this blog, here's my first Enchantia post (scroll down to the actual snippet, in italics), and I'm sure you'll have some understanding of why. But it's not just that there's a cool similarity between this poem and my story. Finding solace in nature is very close to my heart, despite living in NY and having few opportunities to actually do so.


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